What he does: You can not use the Windows 7 Recovery Disc, to re-install Windows - it only repairs the Windows. You’ve been routed to this page because the operating system you’re using won’t support the Windows 10 media. It can be used to access the system recovery menu, giving you options for: Vosstanavenie Systems Backup PC, automated repair system, the command line for a quick recovery in the hand. Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File). Pre-generated and recorded on a physical CD / DVD media disc will be avoided in the future, many of the problems associated with the normal functioning of the operating system, Windows 7. The disc is distributed in the form of ISO-image, which after downloading you need to record the optical CD / DVD. Windows 7 Recovery Disc provides access to the command line, you can restore the operating system from a previously saved restore point, even if the computer does not boot. This emergency recovery disk allows you to access the full restoration Cent OS. Windows 7 System Recovery Disc (X32/X64) Updated 09/2010 - Live CD is a bootable disk to restore functionality of the operating system, Windows 7. If you aren’t able to boot into Windows or don’t access to the recovery partition to create a system recovery disk, you can use our recovery and repair disk. Windows 7 System Recovery Disc (X32/X64) Updated 09/2010 It also shows you how to download our recovery disk for Windows XP, if you don’t have the original CD available or can’t boot into Windows XP.